Old World tropical herbaceous perennial of the agave family; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae. 龙舌兰科一个旧大陆热带多年生草本属;有些分类认为它是百合科的一个属。
Deciduous perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae. 一个落叶性多年生草本属;有时归入百合科。
A large family of plants, the Liliaceae, characterized by showy flowers with six perianth segments, six stamens, and a superior ovary and usually producing bulbs or rhizomes. 百合科是植物里的一大科,特征为六瓣花苞,有六雄蕊,上子房有鳞状或根状茎。
Asparagus is by nature a dioecious species. is dioecious plants, and it belongs to the family Liliaceae. 芦笋雌雄异株,在自然生长条件下,雌雄植株数目大体相等。是百合科天门冬属多年生蔬菜,雌雄异株,雌雄株间存在显著的差异。
Under cutting a year off-year, the grass family density changes gently. First decreased and then tended to be stable, while the Liliaceae, Chenopodiaceae and the Compositae densities fluctuations. 割一年休一年的情况下,禾本科植物的密度变化比较平缓,先下降后趋于稳定,而百合科、黎科和菊科植物密度波动较大。